
IPTI Holiday Notice


Please note that our office will be closed from Tuesday, December 24, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025, as our team takes time to recharge and celebrate with their loved ones.

December 18, 2024

Virtual Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS 2025) - Expression of Interest to Present


IPTI, IAAO seeking session topic proposals for the upcoming Virtual Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS 2025)

The International Property Tax Institute and the International Association of Assessing Officers will present a joint (virtual) Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS 2025) on June 25-26, 2025, and are soliciting program topics for the symposium. The theme of the virtual MAVS is “Future Opportunities for Mass Appraisal,” and IPTI and IAAO are inviting potential speakers to let us know if you would like to be included in the program.


Please use the online application at to submit the presenter information, topic, and a short synopsis of the proposed topic. The deadline to submit topic proposals is January 31, 2025.

Appraisal, valuation, and assessment practitioners; valuation/assessment agency managers; municipal representatives; policymakers; technology professionals; and academics and educators interested in sharing experiences and knowledge relative to property tax policy and valuations, including innovations, theory, application, management, and practices should consider submitting proposals.


IPTI and IAAO are looking for programs on a number of areas relating to valuation and property taxation. See the webpage for full list of potential topic areas. Questions, Contact Lidia Konet at

December 13, 2024

Futureproofing the Valuation Profession White Paper


This is an IPTI White Paper which contains details of the research undertaken through an international collaboration project involving colleagues from several valuation agencies from around the world. It looks at a variety of issues including how to attract and recruit staff, how to develop them using both internal and external facilities, and how to retain them. It contains a series of recommendations which will help valuation agencies to improve their performance in all these important aspects of their operations. There is also a Synopsis of the White Paper which summarizes the key points.

Read Synopsis

Read Paper

October 28, 2024

Land & Property Services (LPS), Northern Ireland : IT Solutions Tender


Please see the attached note provided by Land & Property Services (LPS), Northern Ireland, in relation to a forthcoming tender opportunity concerning a new IT solution for the valuation agency. IPTI has been providing advice to LPS and is pleased to assist in drawing attention to this IT procurement project.

Click Here

August 2, 2024

IPTI Engages in Key Industry Conferences and Announces Upcoming Programs


IPTI recently participated in the IMA’s 65th Anniversary Annual Conference in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. IPTI will attend the IAAO Annual Conference in Denver this August and the COST Property Tax Workshop in Dallas in September.

IPTI’s Corporate Committee has finalized the 2024/2025 programming, starting with online discussion groups in September 2024. An in-person corporate workshop will take place in Chicago in May 2025.

These initiatives highlight IPTI’s commitment to advancing the property tax profession and supporting its members' professional growth.

July 9, 2024

Upcoming 2024 Conferences


Preparations are underway for three major conferences in 2024, promising valuable insights and networking opportunities for professionals in the valuation and construction industries.

11th Annual Caribbean Valuation and Construction Conference
Montego Bay will host the 11th Annual Caribbean Valuation and Construction Conference, organized with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). This year's conference will focus on two themes 'Learning from the Past, Looking into the Future' and 'Sustainability & Climate Change' and will feature discussions, workshops, and presentations on the latest trends and challenges in the field.

Conference of Valuation Agencies (CoVA 2024)
Dublin is set to host the Conference of Valuation Agencies (CoVA 2024), bringing together leading valuation professionals, policymakers, and academics. The theme of this year's conference is "Valuation Agencies of the Future" and it will bring together experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of topics that will be of interest not only to those in valuation agencies but also to those who use their valuation services.

International Research Symposium
Amsterdam will be the venue for the International Research Symposium, organized with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). This symposium will highlight cutting-edge research and practical applications in property assessment and valuation.

For more details, visit the IPTI Events Calendar

July 9, 2024

2024 Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium


The recent Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS) 2024, held online on June 26 and 27, was a resounding success, and we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the speakers, moderators, and sponsors who made this event possible. This two-day symposium, delivered jointly by the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) and the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), brought together a global audience to discuss a wide range of topical subjects in mass appraisal valuation.

Our expert presenters from around the world shared their extensive knowledge and experience, providing invaluable insights and fostering meaningful discussions. The diversity and depth of the presentations were truly appreciated by our international attendees, and we are grateful for the dedication and effort of each participant.

To those who were unable to attend the live event, we understand the importance of the content shared and are pleased to offer access to the recordings. Please send an email to to request a copy.

July 8, 2024

Property Tax Conference, Policy and Practice, The Hague, 2023 - Article in "Valuer" Magazine (IRRV)


Further to our conference in The Hague, the Institute for Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV) published an article about the conference in their latest "Valuer" magazine.

Click here to read the article.

March 4, 2024

Property Tax Policy and Practice Conference, The Hague, 2023 : Summary


The conference, organised by the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) in cooperation with the Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment (NCREA), was supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Finance and sponsored by the Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) from Nova Scotia, Canada.

The conference featured some of the leading international experts in property tax who shared their ideas and best practice, and attracted delegates from a large number of countries including Armenia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, China (Hong Kong), England, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Mongolia, Montenegro, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, the USA and Wales.

Read more

January 10, 2024

The Valuation Office: A History & Celebration: 1910 – 2021 - Book


IPTI is pleased to announce that it is offering an opportunity to purchase a unique book co-authored by our President, Paul Sanderson. The book records the history of the UK Valuation Office Agency (VOA) from its origins in 1910. The VOA is the largest valuation agency in the world and the book provides a variety of interesting insights into its development over the last 100+ years. Please flyer for more information HERE

May 29, 2023

10th Caribbean Valuation & Construction Conference


10th Caribbean Valuation & Construction Conference - the program has been finalized and the registrations are open for the Barbados Conference on November 9th and 10th, 2023. Conference venue will be Hilton Hotel in Bridgetown, Barbados.


May 23, 2023

2023 Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium


2023 Mass Appraisal Valuation Virtual Symposium hosted by IPTI and the IAAO will proceed on June 21st and 22nd, 2023


May 23, 2023

Welcome Karishma!


IPTI welcomes Karishma Lobo as a new member of an IPTI team. Karishma will be responsible for improved communications with stakeholders, web and social media management.

May 23, 2023



IPTI President, Paul Sanderson, will represent IPTI at the TEGOVA Conference in Warsaw, Poland on June 15th to 17th, 2023

May 23, 2023

IMA Annual Conference


John Watling and Jerry Grad will represent IPTI at the IMA Annual Conference in Kingston, Ontario on June 25th to 27th, 2023.

May 23, 2023

Rebuilding the Social Compact: Urban Service Delivery and Property Taxes in Pakistan


Rebuilding the Social Compact: Urban Service Delivery and Property Taxes in Pakistan

The summary to this paper states:

This impact evaluation investigates whether strengthening the link between local taxation and

urban services can revitalize the social compact between citizen and state. A significant

challenge to the provision of local public services in developing economies is the inability to

raise adequate resources, especially through local taxation. In many countries, the social

compact, whereby citizens agree to pay taxes to fund their desired services, is broken. A low

willingness to pay taxes leads to low revenue collection, and prevents adequate service

provision, which in turn reduces willingness to pay and can even lead to citizen disengagement

from the state. We investigate whether strengthening the link between local collections and

urban services can increase citizens’ willingness to pay for services, improve service delivery,

and enhance local politics. We test this in major urban centers in Punjab, Pakistan via several

interventions - including eliciting citizen preferences for specific services when taxes are

collected, earmarking revenue for specific services, and enabling local politicians - that credibly

strengthen the link between tax collection and urban service provision. This paper presents the

experimental design and reports preliminary impacts on tax payments. On the positive side we

find that the project succeeded in eliciting citizen preferences and delivering services against

them, thereby changing the relationship between tax collectors and citizens. However, we find

that despite successful delivery of services and finding (small) treatment effects on being in an

intervention, many citizens are unaware of being in a special scheme or of having received

greater local goods. Not surprisingly, we therefore find muted effects on attitudes towards the

state or increased tax payments. We address this issue by focusing on raising awareness in an

ongoing round of service delivery so that we can examine whether doing so will lead to

improved attitudes towards to state and greater tax payment.

A copy of the paper can be found via the link below:

Khan-et-al-Final-Report-August-2022.pdf (

January 27, 2023

IAAO IPTI 2023 MAVS (Virtual) - Expression of Interest to present


The International Property Tax Institute and the International Association of Assessing Officers will present a joint (virtual) Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS 2023) on June 21-22, 2023, and are soliciting program topics for the symposium.

The theme of the virtual MAVS is “Valuing Properties in Uncertain Times,” and IPTI and IAAO are inviting potential speakers to let us know if you would like to be included in the program.


Please use the online application at to submit the presenter information, topic, and a short synopsis of the proposed topic. The deadline to submit topic proposals is extended until February 21, 2023.

Appraisal, valuation, and assessment practitioners; valuation/assessment agency managers; municipal representatives; policymakers; technology professionals; and academics and educators interested in sharing experiences and knowledge relative to property tax policy and valuations, including innovations, theory, application, management, and practices should consider submitting proposals.

Submit your Expression of Interest to Present  


IPTI and IAAO are looking for programs on a number of areas relating to valuation and property taxation. See webpage for full list of potential topic areas.

December 20, 2022

RICS-IPTI Annual Conference - Montego Bay, Jamaica - October 2022


RICS-IPTI Annual Conference- Montego Bay, Jamaica - October 2022

October 17, 2022

2022 - 2033 Mass Appraisal Valuation Training Series


2022 - 2023 Mass Appraisal Valuation Training Series

Webinars and Workshops

Please see our brochure for more details HERE

Register HERE

September 14, 2022

"Visual" by colleagues from GBD in The Netherlands


We have recently received a copy of a "visual" prepared by colleagues from Gemeentebelastingen en Basisinformatie Drechtsteden (GBD) in The Netherlands which explains for taxpayers, in simple terms, how their property tax assessment has been prepared. GBD levies and collects municipal taxes and implements the WOZ Act for the municipalities of Dordrecht, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Papendrecht, Sliedrecht and Zwijndrecht in The Netherlands.

As effective communication with taxpayers and other stakeholders is an important part of any property tax system, GBD has kindly authorised IPTI to share this visual via our website.

June 7, 2022

We are moving!


Please note, as of June 6th IPTI’s new office address will be:

36 York Mills Road

Suite 505

Toronto, Ontario, Canada,M2P 2E9.

June 1, 2022

Conference of Valuation Agencies - Save the Date!


Conference of Valuation Agencies - Save the Date!

December 8 - 9, 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom

CoVA - Save the Date - more details HERE

May 12, 2022

2022 Ontario Property Tax Summit


2022 Ontario Property Tax Summit will take place on September 8, 2022 in Toronto. More details to follow.

May 4, 2022

The Domesday Book


The Domesday Book

IPTI has received a copy of a book entitled "Surveying the Domesday Book".

It has been written by Simon Keith, a former VOA colleague of IPTI President Paul Sanderson.

As the publisher states:

The Domesday Book, commissioned in December 1085 by order of William The Conqueror, is generally thought to have been used to assess wealth and assets to collect taxes, and represents an incredible wealth of information on land-use, local economies, and even land disputes between neighbours.

This innovative analysis of the Domesday book from the perspective of a professional land surveyor and valuer aims to calculate a timetable for its creation, along with analysing the survey’s purpose, the nature of the data collected, and how it was used. By reverse-engineering the survey, Simon Keith proposes that while the document was an outstanding administrative success as a survey, it was in fact a fiscal failure which was never used directly to collect any taxes.

This fascinating study examines the foundation of the well-established, successful and sophisticated hidage assessments upon which the Domesday book was built, discusses the likely timeline of the survey, and examines the logistical problems which are universal to surveyors throughout history.

If anyone is interested in finding out more, and possibly ordering a copy, the publisher’s website is available via the link below:

Surveying the Domesday Book (

March 22, 2022

Paper on Property Tax


Paper on Property Tax

IPTI is pleased to publish a paper entitled "Taxation of Land and Buildings - Revenue Importance and Tax Policy" written by a long-time IPTI colleague, Anders Muller.

Anders is a Danish Economist who worked for 40 years with property valuation for the Danish Ministry of Taxation. He has also been very active as an International Adviser on Property Tax and Valuation. In this capacity, he has worked for the IMF, OECD and the EU.

The paper was originally produced by Anders in February 2020 but publication of it was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are pleased to make it available now on the IPTI website. The author has decided not to update the statistical data. The paper therefore shows the tax situation in the countries involved in the study before the global pandemic which may have, in some cases, subsequently influenced the tax design.

The paper is available HERE

March 17, 2022

New Paper on Land Value Tax


New Paper on Land Value Tax

IPTI has recently received a copy of a discussion paper titled "Post-Corona Balanced-Budget Super-Stimulus: The Case for Shifting Taxes onto Land".

The Abstract states:

"The post-Corona economic environment puts a premium on finding fiscal means to stimulate the economy while continuing to finance current levels of expenditures and debt. We develop and carefully calibrate a model of the US economy to show that an increase in the tax rate on the value of land, balanced by decreases in the tax rates on the incomes of capital and labor, can meet this need. We find that the US share of land in total nonfinancial assets is more than 50%, so that the tax base is very large. This is corroborated by very high quality OECD data for other industrialized economies that, almost without exception, find land shares of between 40% and 60%. Our baseline proposed tax reform is an increase in the tax rate on the asset value of land from its current 0.55% to 5.55%, accompanied by reductions in tax rates on capital and labor incomes of 28 and 10 percentage points, respectively. In a representative household model, this increases welfare by 3.4% of steady state consumption, and increases output by almost 15% relative to trend. In an economy with separate groups of workers, capitalists and landlords, the output gain is the same, while the welfare gain increases to 6.4% on average across the three groups. Welfare and output gains for a wealth tax that raises the same revenue, and which increases the tax rates on capital and land equally, are only half as large as the baseline. Welfare and output gains for an optimal tax reform, under the assumption that the tax rate on the value of land is capped at 20%, are approximately twice as large as the baseline. This reform raises 55% of all tax revenue through land taxes, with the remaining 45% raised through consumption taxes, while all income taxes are abolished."

The full discussion paper is available via the following link:

Here is a link to a summary of the paper:

IPTI attended a recent presentation on the topic by Michael Kumhof, one of the co-authors of the paper, and we had a subsequent discussion with him about some of the issues concerning LVT.

Michael said he would be pleased to receive any comments from the IPTI network about the discussion paper and, in particular, the practicality of the recommended move to greater dependency on taxing land values. He is planning to produce another document on the practical aspects of LVT in due course and would appreciate feedback from IPTI members.

Michael's email address is:

Please send any comments you may have directly to Michael, but please copy IPTI ( into your email as we would also be interested in your comments.

March 15, 2022

MAVS - Important Announcement


We are pleased to announce that the forthcoming virtual Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium (MAVS) is now going to be a joint event with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) and the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) delivering the international symposium in partnership.

IPTI and IAAO already work in partnership in connection with the well-known and well-regarded “Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration” and have cooperated with each other on a number of professional events in the past.

The two organisations recently held discussions and agreed they would work together on the forthcoming MAVS to strengthen the event and reach a wider audience.

An “Expression of Interest to Present” had already been sent out prior to the IAAO-IPTI agreement, so that is now being reissued with an extended date for submission. A copy of the revised invitation is attached and you will see that the closing date for submissions is now February 28, 2022.

February 7, 2022

IPTI Newsletter


IPTI introduced a new publication “Property Tax in the News”. This publication will be distributed monthly to the members only. It is based on the selected items from IPTI Xtracts.

January 20, 2022

EOI for Virtual MAVS


IPTI and IAAO released the Expression of Interest to Present at the IPTI’s Virtual Symposium on Mass Appraisal Valuation. The closing date for submissions of interest to present is February 28th. The symposium dates are June 22nd and 23rd,2022.


January 20, 2022
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