Improving Mass Appraisal Valuation Models Using Spatial Methods

Improving Mass Appraisal Valuation Models Using Spatial Methods Image

Improving Mass Appraisal Valuation Models Using Spatio-Temporal Methods A leading book by Richard A. Borst, PhD

Readers Have Said: “We received your book and it was read by me and two of my colleagues, several times in part. It’s hands on approach is exactly what we need. Your practical view is very helpful to us. Thank you for the book!”

IPTI has published the above book and it is now available for purchase.

Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on the development and use of computer-assisted mass appraisal, automated valuation models, and, in particular, the application of geostatistical methods, IPTI is pleased to include this book on our list of publications.

The book is an essential text for those working in the field of computer-assisted mass appraisal. Although there are many very good sources of information available on various aspects of this specialist area, this book is the only one which deals specifically with the use of geostatistical methods in connection with other modern technologies and is directed at practitioners of the art and science of developing valuation models.

The book is very practical and deals with the “how to” of some leading edge methodology involving the field of geostatistics. The reader will be “put into the picture” of geostatistics and how this field is relevant to the issue of mass appraisal of real estate.

Page 29 of the book makes reference to a link to the author’s Doctoral thesis. Click here to download the document.

The book is available at $70 for members of IPTI and $95 for non-members.

Buy your copy now:

IPTI Member Price: $90 ($70 + $20 Shipping Fee. Additional shipping cost may apply for international buyers)

IPTI Non-member Price: $115 ($95 + $20 Shipping Fee. Additional shipping cost may apply for international buyers)

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