October 12, 2023 11:30 AM
October 12, 2023 1:00 PM

This webinar looks at the effects of societal and environmental changes and the impact they have on the valuation of privately owned properties. From funding and financing to valuation and taxation. The webinar will examine the impact on shifting vacancies in office space; changes in Highest and Best Use; changing property taxation classification; market shifts in utilization; and changes in demand. In this interactive presentation attendees will be problem-solving some of these new challenges impacting these markets.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Fees: $85 (non-members) | $76.5 (Members)

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September 27, 2023 11:30 AM
September 27, 2023 1:00 PM

This webinar has been organized in collaboration with IMA (Institute of Municipal Accessors) and is designed to familiarize attendees with the ‘ins and outs ‘of preparing for an Assessment Appeal hearing. It will cover the role of the parties, preparation, information exchange, procedures, and practice. The role and challenges facing an expert witness will be discussed. Prehearing preparations including interaction and working with lawyers will be covered.

Full Details: Available here

CPD Credits: 1.5 Learning

Costs: $65 (ITPI/IMA Members) | $80 + HST (Non-Members)


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September 12, 2023 11:30 AM
September 12, 2023 1:00 PM

This webinar will look at the impact that societal and environment changes are having on the real estate market. As people continue to look for more work life balance the traditional workplace is changing to meet those needs. The presenters will look at the current impacts; what we expect to see; and how owners are reacting.  In an interactive presentation attendees will be encouraged to provide their observations from their specific viewpoints and field of expertise.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Cost for Non-members: $85 (For 1 webinar) | $225 (For 3 webinars)

Cost for IPTI and IMA Members: $76.5 (For 1 webinar) | $202.5 (For 3 webinars)

This webinar is part of the 'Current Trends Impacting Valuation and Taxation Webinar Series'. Register for all three webinars and avail of our discounted rate. Registration details below:

Webinar Series (3)

Webinar Series (3) - IPTI and IMA MEMBERS

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Conferences & Symposium
June 21, 2023 9:00 AM
June 22, 2023 4:00 PM

The International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) and The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) are pleased to announce that they will be presenting a joint Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium focusing on 'Valuing Properties in Uncertain Times'.

Please see our brochure for details HERE

Delegate Package HERE

IAAO Uniform request for recertification credit HERE

Registration details below:

US $ for outside Canada

CAD $ Canadian Registrations

HST will be added to the fee in $CAD

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES. Please see our sponsorship flyer for details HERE

 Sponsor (US Currency)

Sponsor (CAD Currency)


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June 15, 2023 11:00 AM
June 15, 2023 2:30 PM

MAV 203:  Mass Appraisal Valuation: The Income Approach

(Duration 3 hours)

A hands-on model building workshop guiding the attendee through an income model building process from start to finish.

The scope will include the building of a fair market rent model and a GIM model. This workshop will also cover ratio studies and model performance reviews.

Please see our flyer for more details HERE



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June 6, 2023 11:30 AM
June 6, 2023 1:00 PM

IMA IPTI Webinar: Challenges with Sales Analysis

Adjustments; Multi-Property Transactions; Government Sales

Market transactions play a critical role in the valuation process. In difficult economic times when sale volumes are low the valuator is often required to look at more non-typical sale transactions and transactions that may require adjustments before being considered in any analysis. This webinar will look at different types of transactions, break down the key factors to help understand the sale and the important questions the valuator should be asking to better understand the conditions influencing the sale. The attendees will also gain insight into when adjustments to sale prices are warranted and how adjustments can be derived.

Please see our flyer for more details HERE


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June 1, 2023 8:30 AM
June 1, 2023 10:30 AM

European and U.S. Commercial Real Estate Market Update 2023

Understanding the New Normal

Please click HERE for more details and to REGISTER

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May 23, 2023 8:45 AM
May 23, 2023 3:30 PM

IPTI Annual Corporate Property Tax Workshop

Challenges in Managing Property Tax Portfolios in Current Economic Environment

TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023

Prologis Offices

6250 North River Road, Suite 1100, Rosemont, (Chicago) Illinois, 60018

Please see agenda for more details HERE

PREMABLE: The corporate property tax managers are dealing with difficult business conditions. This includes rising inflation and higher interest rates which have a negative impact on their company’s performance. The COVID pandemic has created additional challenges which also included changing consumer behavior. Some of the challenges include the inability to easily analyse property assessments based on current market conditions.

This one-day workshop, hosted by IPTI’s Corporate Advisory Committee, will provide an opportunity for experience sharing and interactive discussion.


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May 16, 2023 11:00 AM
May 16, 2023 2:30 PM

MAV 202: Mass Appraisal Valuation: Cost Approach

(Duration 3.5 hours)

A hands-on model building session guides the attendees through the cost model building process from start to finish.

The scope will include the building of a land model with market derived depreciation and a land model with residuals.

This workshop will also cover ratio studies and model performance reviews.

Please see our flyer for more details HERE

Please details of all 3 workshops HERE


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May 3, 2023 11:00 AM
May 3, 2023 2:30 PM


(Duration 3.5 hours)

A hands-on model building skills session guiding the attendee through a DCA model building process from start to finish.

The scope of the workshop will include mass appraisal model building, ratio studies and model performance review.

Please see our flyer for more details HERE

Information about all 3 workshops HERE

Please register below:

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April 25, 2023 11:30 AM
April 25, 2023 1:00 PM

Assessment Valuation of big box stores seems to create many challenges for assessing authorities and taxpayers. In recent years there has been extensive litigation throughout the United States and Canada dealing with the appropriate valuation methodology for these properties. A few American states have revised their property tax laws in an attempt to regulate valuation methodology for these properties. This Webinar will explore the challenges associated with the valuation of these properties and discuss the Canadian experience. The panelists will discuss their perspectives on valuation, including selection of comparable properties for the derivation of fair market rents - Issues of a relationship between development cost and lease rates, whether cost-based leases represent market rent and what is the correct economic life of a big box store will be discussed.

Please see our flyer for more details HERE


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March 29, 2023 11:30 AM
March 29, 2023 1:00 PM

IMA IPTI Webinar: Assessment Valuation of Hotels

In this webinar participants will be provided with an overview of the valuation of hotel properties for property assessment purposes. The participants will gain an understanding of the industry specific terminology used in the hotel industry, a review of different hotel types and determining a competitive set of properties for common analysis. The webinar will look at developing a proforma valuation from stabilized revenues and expenses, the use of effective capitalization rates and accounting for items such as furniture, fixtures and equipment, reserves for renewals and management fees.

Please see our flyer for details HERE


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